Fluffy Friday this week was also Casa's first birthday party. And what a party it was!! It was so much fun! Fluffy Fridays are always fun but this was FANTASTIC fun! lol Angelwithahintoflife, (known from now on as Angel lol) was fantastic help to me, she made the invitations and the decorated Casa for me, Lizzie gave me decorations too. Outfits where chosen, the stream was tested and the party was ready to begin.

Stella Silvansky kicked things off as she always does on Fridays. Stella is a great friend to Casa and to me, and is an awesome singer!! AND she is always up for a giggle.

Shaggy was next to entertain us. It was Shaggy's auntie Val's Birthday yesterday too, so everybody wished his auntie a happy birthday lol. Shaggy looked just stunning in his Trap Door Hat, and there were giggles when a naked pic of shaggy suddenly appeared behind him......I have NO idea where it came from *looks around innocently. Shaggy hadnt had a set in SL for a long time, it was great to hear him sing again :) I hope its not as long till we hear him next.

Norris Shepherd was next up. Norris originally played Casa on opening night. It was great to have him back at Casa's first birthday. AND i got to pick his set list WOOHOOO, of course I had to get Angel, my partner in crime, to help me. "Ask him to play the 2 discos songs?", she said.......(obviously she couldnt remember the name of the songs)....and i asked him to play the ice cream song and the slipped hip song.....and Norris of course understood which songs myself and Angel were talking about. Norris set was fantastic, and a naked pic of him turned up too...weird that...lol.

Mad Mason Thorne jumped on Casa's stage to continue that madness and mayhem that reigns on Fluffy Fridays. Mason is a fantastic entertainer, he cracks me up laughing. There must be a lot of nakedness goes on in SL because there was a naked picture of Mason there too....Mason finished his set off with "The Fields of Athenry"....FANTASTIC!!!!

Next up - Friendly Fire!! WOOHOOOO this GLAMTASTIC Duo played in Casa on opening night too. And they have played in Casa every Thursday @ 6pmslt since.....I think they have only ever missed just a couple of shows. During the last year they have, burned a christmas tree in Casa, had naked people push Case off the Stage, had plenty of griefers, oh and not to mention the ever popular rolling restarts in the middle of their sets! If its gonna happen, it will happen in Casa for Mack and Case. Their set was awesome, as always, and there was plenty of Beers Glammed!

Now, Hayduke Schnook was suppose to take to the stage next, but he hadnt logged on, we all presumed he went fishing. So Mason was good enough to grab the stream. Then, right before our very eyes, Duke tp'd in! LOL. Mason wouldnt give up the stream until he had sang the Unicorn song! So naturally enough, Angel rezzed a Unicorn and herself and Stella decided to sit on it! Duke eventually wrestled the stream off Mason, well ok not really, Mason willingly gave it back lol. Duke's set was full of fun, as it always is, and of course he got the giggles because he was reading chat! Duke and his Mandolin havent been playing in Casa all that long, but something tells me, they will be there alot more in the future!

Maximillion Kleene was next to grace Casa's stage. It was the first time that Max played in Casa, apart from the couple of songs he streamed with Stella during Dak's rezz day party. Max is a fanastic singer, and good fun. I hope he comes back to Casa again soon :))

Ayden Kruh was the last "offically listed" musician of the day/night. What a fantastic talented guy he is. Ayden played at Casa's Summer Festival in July, and it was great to get him back for Casa's first birthday party. I should point out that the Sim was full for almost the entire event LOL And some people where lisenting remotely too :)) Even Ayden found it difficult to get to Casa for his set!

The party continued as Duke took the stream again. And it was still going when i logged out. It was an amazing party, with fantastic talented musicans and singers. I want to thank each of them, i really appreciate it. I also want to thank everybody who came and spent ALOT of their time at Casa yesterday, you are all awesome! Angel, Dak, Noddy, Duke, Donny, Shaggy, Gazza, Stella, Rasp, Luka, Lo, Sarah, Catt, Norris, Mason, Jon, Sam, Alura, Temp, Tink, Lizzie, Chely, Horizon, Kat, Mandy, Rad, Promise, Dee, Lance, and everybody else.............you all ROCK!

I hope that this time next year we are celebrating Casa's Second birthday. Only time will tell i guess :))
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