(Norris - his first gig in Casa) Norris has been playing in Casa since it opened just over a year ago. I can still remember when i heard him sing first. Myself, Munk and Geoff (the ex Casa owners) were on the hunt for some people to play at the opening. Geoff tp'd myself and Munk to hear Norris and I said "book him, i want him to play" lol and there you go. I havent stopped annoying Norris since :)) Norris shows are always fun and he plays in Casa most Fluffy Fridays :)
Norris took some time out from ploughing the fields to answer some questions, have a read :))
thanks norris :))
(Norris on Scottish Themed Fluffy Friday) 1. Who are you and where are you from? Norris Shepherd from somewhere in New Brunswick, Canada.
2. How long have you been playing? Started playing guitar probably in about 1986, then played parties, and a few very minor band type things up until 1998. From 1998 until 2007... guitar rusted in the closet, and i've been playing again for a little over a year since starting to play in SL.
3. Which instruments do you play? Guitar and voice. Want to get a Bass guitar... and some more harmonicas, and a keyboard.. oh and andand... yeah.. but goota learn to play them too. :)
4. What was the first tune(s) you learned? hmmmm.... one string picking songs.. probably Wipeout or the James Bond theme or something. Duh duh duh duh dudh Da da ... Duh duh duh duh Duh duh Dada....... Da Da... dadada...
5. Is your family musical? Do i have to have one? lol. Musicals are verym... um... un-masculine? lol. shessh...
Pink Floyd's the Wall? (although i've never seen it all, my parents caught me trying to watch it and hid the Video tape on me)
It's when you synch up Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon to the Wizard of Oz. That kicks ass.
OOOHHHH WAIT.. i just re-read the question.. NOT what is my favorite musical but is my FAMILY msuical...
yes. lol. Brother very good guitar player. Sister plays piano. Mom and dad sing in church choir. My other sister played guitar and sang, and my other brother is a bit of a guitar hack.
6. Which famous musicians do you admire? Why? Musically, lyrically, as a person, or for their fashion sense?
Musically, lyrically, - Gordon Downey and the Tragically Hip, Rivers Cuomo (Weezer), U2, David Grohl
as People - Bono, Johnathan coulton, Gene Simmons, Bruce Cockburn
for fashion sense,... hmm... dunno...
(Norris on tv - oh ok, TV themed Fluffy Friday) 7. Do you write everything yourself?. anything (yes) or everything(no)?
8. Who was your first teacher? Other teachers? musically? Hal Leonard (http://www.amazon.com/Hal-Leonard-Guitar-Method-Complete/dp/0634047019)
9. What are your fondest musical memories? the one year anniversary gig at Casa Blanco. ;-)
10. Were you influenced by old records/tapes? Which ones?tapes/records -- Rick Springfield, Abba, Triumph, Trooper, BTO, Trooper, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Rush
11. Who are your favourite musicians? Groups? lots.. but some are Tragically Hip, Pearl Jam, Weezer, Foo Fighters, Stan Rogers, Matthew Sweet, Rheostatics, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, the Jayhawks... etc... etc...
12. Do you perform in RL? If so where? no...RL gigs are a pain in the ass.
13. How do you handle mistakes during a performance? plow through them.
I try to ignore them, but usually end up laughing, so people usually know i mucked up. :)
(Norris at Casa) 14. Do you get nervous before a performance? no. unless someone famous or intimidatating is in the crowd. like Shaggy or somerhing...
15. What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous? get over it. Sing it like ya mean it.. trying to half sing it just doesn't work. Take a big breath and let it out! lol
16. How often and for how long do you practice? don't practice much.... (d'oh) I often use my shows as practice. lol. So about 6 to 10 hours a week.
17. Was this your life long dream? well.. sorta Playing SL music is helping me towards it. Always dreamed of being able to write, produce, and record my own music, and since i started playing in SL, i've aquired some gear, and are currently learning the skills to be able to allow me to do so.
A real life long dream would be able to do this and be able to make a living from it....
And to be a dancer in a Britney Spears video... that's another one...
18. If you won an award for your music, who would you thank?Anyone who supported me. (list would be way long ) If no one ever asked me to play, and encouraged me in subtle and non-suble way, then i wouldn't be playing... it's just that simple.
19. Where can people find out more about your music or keep in touch with you? Please add website/myspace details here. http://www.myspace.com/norrisshepherd
**coming someday** http://www.NorrisShepherd.com
(Norris standing on the bar at Casa) Just for fun:- Person or thing you would most like to be reincarnated asa rockstar
- If your house was on fire what one thing would you take with you as you ran out? (NOT a person) my hard drives.
- If you were on a desert island and could take two things with you what would they be? food and water
- If you could go back to a particular period in history when would it be?depends... would i be poor or rich at that point in time? :)
- What is your favorite food and drink? hmmmm.. tough.. BUT i love a good steak well done. Beefeater or Medallion steaks with a nice Shiraz red wine (store bought... not my homemade). Don't have that very much though. And sushi.. mmmm.. Can buy it frozen here. And LOBSTER... YUMM!!!
- What’s your pet hate? hmm... mean/self-centred/egomaniacal people
- If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? probly here... it's where home is.

(Norris at Casa's First Birthday Party)